Bowles on the challenges of London Trip

Q)What are the challenges of travelling overseas for a game?

Bowles: It’s different going over to London. It’s not like going to an away game, because the time change is such a difference for you. The sleep you get and the time you play is going to be a little different. I don’t think anybody is going to adjust full time.

Q)Why did the team decide to depart for London on Thursday night?

Bowles: We wanted to get a full day’s practice in here. One day and having to go there and set up and everything would have been hard to do on a Thursday. The two bulk days, Wednesday and Thursday, we wanted to get here.

Q)Did the team think of departing earlier in the week for London?

Bowles: Earlier in the spring, we did. If it was a preseason game, yes you can go over. But in the middle of the season that’s kind of hard. You really get caught back on the time change and you come back and you lose a little bit even if you do get the bye. You try to keep it as normal as possible.

Q)What preparations occurred during the spring trip to London?

Bowles: Hotel arrangement, practice fields and getting all of the technical stuff out of the way. Not so much of the football things, but the technical stuff.

Dan Leberfeld
Dan Leberfeld
Publisher of Jets Confidential Magazine. Call 1-800-932-4557 (M-F, 12-4) to subscribe. Co-host of Press Coverage every Saturday on SiriusXM NFL Radio from 11-2.

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