The Jets’ defensive line of Mo Wilkerson, Sheldon Richardson and Damon Harrison is the strength of their team.
The same can be said for the Buffalo Bills.
“They’re present a huge challenge for anybody and not just our offensive line, but anybody’s offense line,” said Rex Ryan about the Bills’ defensive line. “The (Marcell) Darius kid leads the league in sacks. I’m a huge Kyle Williams fan. I think he’s one of the most underrated players. Then you have Mario Williams as an outside guy.
“I think another guy that’s really underrated is Jerry Hughes. And it took him awhile, never burst on the scene that maybe the way people thought he would, but right now he’s starting to be that player that I think people envisioned when he was a first-round pick. He’s got explosiveness, he’s an up-the-field pass rusher and he’s got a real good inside move and plays hard.”
So on Sunday at MetLife Stadium, be prepared to watch some of the best defensive line play in the league.
The new issue of JC Magazine will be on NY/NJ/CT news stands on Thursday. One of our best issues ever! Page after page of inside info on Gang Green. A must read for Jets fans. On news stands, or by subscription at 1-800-932-4557 (M-F, 9-5).