Q)What can you tell us about your late touchdown . . .
Holmes: It was a play that had to be made for us. Coach dialed it up at the right time. The defender bit on the slant move and it was a double-move route and he jumped all over the first part of the route and the rest was history. Mark [Sanchez] put the ball right in a great place for me to catch it and that’s the ballgame.
Q)Why does the offense struggle until the fourth quarter offensively?
Holmes: It’s because we play the game until the end of the game. We never think to win a ballgame in the first, second or third quarter. Things happen throughout the ballgame. The other team gets paid as well to go out and play their best defense, just as we go out and play our best offense. Those guys made big plays all over the place and so did we and we won the game at the end.
Q)What did Rex say at halftime?
Holmes: He just told us to go out and win this ballgame. We’ve been letting these guys hang around too long and let’s go win and let’s finish them off. And that’s what we did. We came out and didn’t start as well as we wanted too on offense to start the second half, but we were able to dial in a few of things here and there: screen passes were working good for us. Mark [Sanchez] found the guys and hit us when he needed to.
Q)What are your thoughts on the winning streak?Â
Holmes: As of two weeks ago, it was one game at a time, and that’s all we could really focus on. I honestly don’t even know who we got next.Â
Q)Your thoughts on the schedule down the stretch . . .Â
Holmes: I honestly don’t think anybody paid attention to the schedule. We [have] one game on our schedule, which [is] the next game .