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This looks like a very good value pick.
Good corners are hard to find, so the top prospects at that position often come off the board pretty fast, usually in the first couple of rounds.
So for the Jets to get Qwan’tez Stiggers in the fifth-round could turn out to be a steal. draft analyst Chad Reuter did a story on Tuesday about his three favorite picks in each round.
Stiggers was one of his three favorite fifth-round picks.
Reuter made a salient point about Stiggers’ value:
“A senior at a major college program with his ability likely would have been a late Day 2 pick, but the Jets snagged him with the last selection in Round 5,” Reuter wrote.
And keep in mind, the rules in the CFL are a little different, like the dimensions between an NFL and CFL field are different. The fields in the CFL are longer and wider than in the NFL. An NFL field is 100 x 53 1/3 yards, with midfield at the 50-yard line. A CFL field is 110 x 65 yards with midfield at 55 yards.
Also, you can have 12 players on the field in the CFL, and the NFL has 11.
And receivers are allowed running starts in the CFL, creating a different challenge for defensive backs.
So Stiggers has some work to do, but the raw skills are there, and he’s a very hungry, driven player after all he’s been through.
Time will tell, but on paper, this looks like a nice fifth-round gamble the Jets are taking here with a player who theoretically would have gone a lot higher if he was coming out of a Power Five program with his skill set.
April 30, 2024
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