Here are some complaints filed with the FCC over Tom Brady’s cursing binge on CBS at the end of the Patriots recent 26-21 loss to Green Bay.
Indianapolis viewer:
“Greetings. My six year old children know how to read lips even if there is no sound. So why during the telecast is CBS going out of their way with 1:53 left in the first quarter between the Patriots and the Packers game to show tom Brady screaming the F-word on national TV? The commentators even bought attention to the frustration expressed by Mr. Brady by focusing on his muted foul language. It happened again before the 2:00 minute warning in the fourth quarter where again the CBS telecast focused on Mr. Brady expressing foul language. I understand it is football and foul language will be used. I am wondering why CBS is going out of their way to showcase it? Twice?”
York, PA viewer:
“During the Patriots/Green Bay football game the camera showed multiple times Tom Brady on the Side lines yelling, “F—.” He said it multiple times and they showed it multiple times. My 8 year old grandson was watching the game with me and even commented that he should not have said that. I understand the first time it happened the camera man would not have expected that but to keep the camera on Tom Brady as he kept yelling was uncalled for. I put down as 4:30 as the time but that may not be the exact time of the incident.”
Cedar Rapids viewer:
“Throughout the broadcast, the camera repeatedly cut to New England quarterback Tom Brady when he was visibly upset and saying F. At 1:53 left in the first quarter, the announcers even called attention to it by prefacing the clip they showed with, “Brady’s reaction after failing to pick up the first down on that series” and then showed a clip of him saying F on the sidelines. They clearly knew he was saying it and so did my 10 year old son. Other instances with other players and coaches occurred in the broadcast, but none were as blatant. Just because there was no sound, it was clear enough to everyone. It was almost as if the announcers got away with it, because-they didn’t actually say it. Very unprofessional.”