Cortland –’s Rich Cimini was given excerpts of Jerry Oppenheimer’s new book on Woody Johnson.
Here is one of excerpts –
“Woody, the businessman, and his team executives, felt it was absolute brilliance to have acquired [Tim Tebow],” wrote Oppenheimer. “As they saw it, Tebow would sell everything from tickets to T-shirts to lucrative TV advertising, and the Jets would be closely watched from coast to coast.”
If that is true, it is no way to run a football operation.
Football people should make football decisions. Marketing and business people should stay out of football decisions.
When football decisions are made for marketing reasons, it almost never works out.
So if this anecdote is true, it should be a teachable moment for high-ranking people on the Jets’ business side, and Ira Akselrad of The Johnson Company – STAY OUT OF FOOTBALL DECISIONS!