Jets running back Mike Goodson is dealing with some legal issues related to his recent arrest on drug and gun possession charges.
Goodson’s lawyer, Tony Fusco Jr., said something to Seth Walder of the Daily News, that makes you think for s second.
“We’ve had a President who had an affair in the White House.,” Fusco said. “We’ve had a congressman who took pictures of himself and now he’s running for mayor. The only thing that Mike is running for, is for touchdowns. He’s not running for President or Congress. He’s playing football, he wants to run, and run for his team.”
Think about it? The man’s job is to run with a ball, and get the crap beat out of him by a bunch of powerful defenders at the end of each run.
It’s a crazy line of work, and can destroy your body and mind.
So I think Fusco’s point is simple – who cares if he’s not a choir boy – think about the freakin job he’s doing.
The bottom line is – if the gun doesn’t belong to him, he’s probably not going anywhere.