Let’s be honest, It really doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks . . .

Whatever you think of the Jets’ next head coach and GM, it doesn’t matter.

The public and media have no votes when it comes to these choices.

NFL teams are not democracies – owners make these decisions.

Let’s be honest, pro sports team owners are like dictators. That isn’t meant to be derogatory, but just the reality of the situation.

One person owns each team, and they can choose whatever head coach or GM they want, can make any trade they want, or choose whatever ticket prices they want, and if you don’t like their choices, you can’t vote them out of office every two, four, or six years.

So people ask me what I think of the likely GM and HC choices, what difference would it make what my answers are?

It’s just my job to call balls and strikes on whoever they hire.

And it’s the fan’s job to decide whether they want to continue being fans.

None of us have a seat at the table regarding team decisions.

As Stoic philosophers like to say, “Focus on what you can control, and let go of what you can’t.”


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Dan Leberfeld
Dan Leberfeldhttps://www.jetsconfidential.com
Publisher of Jets Confidential Magazine. Call 1-800-932-4557 (M-F, 12-4) to subscribe. Co-host of Press Coverage every Saturday on SiriusXM NFL Radio from 11-2.

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