On Wednesday, NFL owners approved a new rule that calls for the automatic ejection of a player for two unsportsmanlike conduct penalties.
During a press conference on Wednesday, Rich McKay, a powerful figure on the NFL Competition Committee, relayed an interesting anecdote on this matter. Rogers Redding, the NCAA’s national coordinator of officiating, actually lobbied the NFL to put in this stricter rule. He feels there is a trickle-down effect from NFL to college players when it comes to sportsmanship.
“When we were in our meetings, when we met our last time to kind of finalize our rule proposal, which we did last week, Rogers Redding from the NCAA always sits with us,” McKay said. “This was the one rule proposal he wanted us to pass because he feels that the conduct of our players and the sportsmanship of our players impacts their players directly because they’re watching our game. Last year, at 75 unsportsmanlike conduct fouls, for us, that’s a very big number.”
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