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New Jersey – A couple of things to get into today in our premium section about a quarterback and second-guessing. Let’s go . . .
So much talk in the media questioning Todd Bowles decision-making vis-à-vis, going for touchdowns or field goals, going for two point or one point conversions and so forth.
I really don’t go there.
Unless it’s a case of truly egregious error, to me, it’s chasing windmills.
Second-guessing in-game decisions is so easy to do after the fact.
If they work out, the guy is a genius, if not, his “bungling Bowles” as the Daily News called him.
To me, the Jets lost this game not because of these decisions, but because they couldn’t tackle Shady McCoy (119 yards rushing), had too many turnovers and because they fell behind 22-3 and their offense that didn’t show up for 2.5 quarters.
I will try to find this stat, but I guarantee you teams that fumble kickoffs and have them returned for touchdowns lose more than they win. Kind of like Marv Levy’s theory that blocked punt often lead to loses. These kind of plays can suck the life of out a team. They are so darn deflating.
So people can kill Bowles over some of his decisions, but to me, I can think of many other things that led to this lose that rank ahead . . .
A reporter from a tabloid is all bent out of shape because Geno Smith was rude to him after the game.
I’m not condoning rude behavior, but what the heck was a reporter bothering Geno Smith after the game?
He didn’t play. This guy wanted to interview him. Why?
And as for IK Enemkpali being a captain. Smith had addressed that on Tuesday at his locker at length.
So why was the reporter bothering Smith after the game?
There was no reason to.
What I don’t get about a lot of reporters is they can dish it out, but can’t take it.
We write some really nasty things about people, but then second the tables are turned, so many of us get our panties in a wad.
I try not to be that way.
I realize I can be very rough on some of the people I write about. I try to stay classy in my style, but the stuff is still often very critical.
Recently, writer Dom Consentino called me a “dumbass” on twitter because of a blog I wrote about marijuana in the NFL. My blog reference the fact that he thinks the NFL’s policy is antiquated and that the league should allow their players to smoke pot.
I wrote some reasons why they shouldn’t.
He ripped me for quoting WebMD in the article. He thought that was bush league.
But I never said a bad word to him about him calling me a “dumbass.” I don’t care. I truly try to always be cognizant of the fact that I dish it out, so I need to be able to take it.
Clearly a lot of my fellow writers don’t see it that way.
I don’t get how so many writers are thin-skinned, but “it is what it is” to use a over-used sports cliché . . .
November 13, 2015
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