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Premium – Rex Ryan got a new contract today. Jets Confidential publisher Dan Leberfeld takes a closer look at Rex’s new deal . . .
The Jets handled Rex’s contract perfectly.
He essentially got a one-year extension, with a lot of playoff incentives.
That is the way it should be.
Ryan was under contract for next year at $3 million.
This new deal adds a year to that contract.
So now he has two years guaranteed.
This new deal does go beyond 2015, but the contract isn’t guaranteed after 2015, so it doesn’t really mean anything.
So Ryan essentially got a one-year extension.
And that is perfect compromise.
Now he could have come back next year, and coached under the last year of his contract, like Leslie Frazier did in Minnesota this year.
I would have seriously given that some consideration.
But you know what, there are so many pit bulls in the New York media, who would have made such a big deal out of Ryan being on the last year of his contract, it would have become an enormous distraction, with reporters bombarding Ryan and his players non-stop about him being a “dead coach walking.”
Heck, they did that this year, when he wasn’t a lame duck because he had two years left on his contract.
But by extending him, with an additional year guaranteed, and extra years in the contract beyond that (whether it’s guaranteed or not), this will silence some of that chatter.
This is a smart deal.
How do you give Rex a long-term guaranteed contract coming off three non-playoff years? You can’t.
That would be bad business.
The Jets brass struck the perfect compromise – one more year guaranteed – to give the coach some stability, and to calm down the media vultures.
Also, I love the playoff incentives in the deal.
The Jets need to make the playoffs this year – there is no way around it.
Three years out is unacceptable.
So Ryan needs to get that done, so dangling a financial carrot to get that done, can’t hurt.
Maybe it will cut down on his “loyalty to the point of defiance,” and he will play the best players AT ALL TIMES, which gives you the best chance to win. Don’t play any games – just play the best players, since you need to make the playoffs.
Rex said after getting the extension – “I’m no different than any of our fans. I’m an ordinary guy that’s been given an unbelievable opportunity.”
I do think Rex loves the fans, and that is admirable.
But he needs to be much better than “ordinary.”
The Jets need to take this thing to the next level.
And by taking this contract distraction of the table, that will help them focus on doing that.
My position on Rex has never changed.
I don’t think he’s best coach in the league, but players love playing for him, and play very hard for him.
I think he’s a top-shelf defensive mind and I’d love to see what he could do with a big-time quarterback. The position has consistently held him back.
He’s never had an elite quarterback.
I’m still not sure he’s has one. We will see where this Geno Smith thing goes.
I think the Jets should trade for Kirk Cousins to act as Geno insurance.
Rex needs a viable Plan B.
January 16, 2014
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