Q)Have you played in an offense like this before?
David Nelson: It’s similar with what I did at Buffalo as far as the concept. I’ve never been involved in a West Coast system, per se. Routes are similar, it’s just done in a little bit different manner as far as motioning and formations. But the routes are the same so it’s just figuring out what routes go with what concept.
Q)What is the biggest challenges of getting up to speed?
Nelson: Just making sure I’m on the same page with Geno (Smith) and making sure that he knows where I’m going to be. I’m confident that I can, when it comes to Monday, I’ll know where to be and when to be there, it’s just being on the right page with him.
For me it’s getting extra work with him after practice – seeing what he’s seeing so he can see what I see. So just really getting on the same page with him.
Q)Are you ready to play from a physical standpoint?
Nelson: I feel like I’m already there. I feel like I’ve done a great job at that. The thing is I have been in three NFL football seasons, so I know the grind. I know what it takes to make sure you’re ready to go Sundays.