Rex Ryan had this to say about Mark Sanchez during a public appearance in New York City this past week –
“His first year, he was kind of playing by the seat of his pants,” Ryan said. “We kind of took the air out of the ball a little bit and it served us well. The next year, we came in and he really took ownership of our offense, the way he would sit in on every offensive staff meeting we had in the offseason. This guy’s dedication was phenomenal, like nobody’s I’ve ever seen.
“And now this year, it’s going to be about that leadership. I think that’s where you’re going to see the difference.
“Certainly he has the physical skills to be a top quarterback in this league. We have weapons around him. We’re not just going to be a West Coast offense. In the Northeast, you have to win when the snow flies and I think we’re built that way.”