Here are some of Tim Tebow’s comments from his presser today –
Q)What happened on the pick against Carolina?
Tebow: I tried to throw it across my body and honestly I didn’t even see the guy. I just saw (Dedrick) Epps crossing and two defenders on the outside who didn’t see him. It was just silly.
Q)How are you playing overall?.
Tebow: I think there are obviously some plays I’d want back and can do better. There are some plays I really feel like I’ve improved on a lot. I think sometimes, I have probably too many throw aways. I should have probably pulled the ball down and ran.
Q)What areas have you improved?
Tebow: (The) ball to (Dedrick) Epps down the middle where you’re throwing on rhythm and (with) good timing. Some of the stuff from under center, we’ve been able to go and do some good things.
Q)Who did you play catch with after the game on Sunday?
Tebow: It was just a special kid that is going through something tough. He is part of our “Wish 15” program like we do every week. It was fun once all of you and everyone else cleared out to just get a chance to hang with him and his family. It really puts things into perspective.