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From a football standpoint, it’s a good move. From a reality standpoint, it’s naïve, but sometimes dealing with reality isn’t a strength.
He thinks he can will things to be the way he wants.
I’m talking about Rex Ryan claiming IK Enemkpali on waivers.
I like IK as a football player.
I think he could have helped the Jets this year before ending his career with the team by punching Geno Smith in the face.
“Nothing justifies hitting someone and all that stuff,” Ryan said this afternoon after the transaction was announced. “But I also believe that he’s gonna learn from this.”
This is such a naïve statement.
I like IK. I found him to be very friendly and polite in my dealings with him. I hope for his sake he doesn’t have another incident.
But for Rex to think he’s “gonna learn from this” is a man who has either been very sheltered or has his head in the sand.
IK has an anger management problem.
“A GM said the Geno punch was third IK fight he knows of,” said Alex Marvez of Fox Sports. “Talented player, but clearly some anger management issues there that raise huge red flag.”
We all know people with hair trigger tempers.
Does that ever totally go away?
Yes can improve themselves, but it’s very hard for this to just go away entirely.
Same with anger management issues.
Percy Harvin has been dealing with anger management issues since his childhood.
It’s still a problem. He threatened to beat up Brad Childress in Minnesota, and then got into fights with two teammates in Seattle leading to his trade with the Jets.
I’m not aware of anything with the Jets. People walked on egg shells around him, and fed him the ball plenty. And he wasn’t there very long.
Wayne Hunter had a history of anger management problems. He did improve a little with the Jets, but he will be the first to admit, you don’t flick a switch and it all goes away.
I don’t care how much money Geno owed IK, or what he said to him before the punch, nothing justifies the man getting punched in the face and breaking his jaw.
Hey it’s possible IK makes the Bills, and he behaves himself. He seemed to be fine last year with the Jets.
But all it takes is someone to push the wrong buttons, and this problem could rear it’s ugly head again.
So for Rex to say, “he’s gonna learn from it,” – talk about wearing rose colored glasses.
Tempers and anger problems aren’t something you can just learn from.
They are too deep-seated to view them in such a simplistic fashion.
“From what I know about this guy, I think he’ll be fine,” Ryan said.
Ryan isn’t a shrink. He’s a football coach.
He has no idea whether IK will be fine.
The Bills owner and GM are smitten with Rex, and are listening him way too much on the personnel front.
He’s not a very good personnel guy.
Too loyal. Too emotional. Too naïve.
August 12, 2015
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