From a football standpoint, it’s a not a bad move.
I’m talking about Rex Ryan claiming IK Enemkpali on waivers.
I like IK as a football player.
I think he could have helped the Jets this year before ending his career with the team by punching Geno Smith in the face.
“Nothing justifies hitting someone and all that stuff,” Ryan said yesterday after the transaction was announced. “But I also believe that he’s gonna learn from this.”
This is such a naïve statement.
For Rex to think he’s “gonna learn from this,” the coach is either very sheltered or has his head in the sand.
IK has an anger management problem.
“A GM said the Geno punch was third IK fight he knows of,” tweeted Alex Marvez of Fox Sports. “Talented player, but clearly some anger management issues there that raise huge red flag.”
I don’t care how much money Geno owed IK, or what he said to him before the punch, this doesn’t justify a man getting punched in the face, breaking his jaw.
Hey, it’s possible IK makes the Bills, and behaves himself. He seemed to be fine last year with the Jets.
But all it takes is someone to push the wrong buttons, and this problem could rear it’s ugly head again.
So for Rex to say, “he’s gonna learn from it” – talk about wearing rose-colored glasses.
Tempers and anger problems aren’t issues you can just learn from.
They are too deep-seated to view them in such a simplistic fashion.
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