This sentence in Manish Mehta’s hatchet job on Tim Tebow, in today’s Daily News, was mindboggling.
“More than a dozen Jets players and members of the organization painted a sobering picture of the player who rallied the Broncos to the playoffs last season,” Mehta wrote.
“More than a dozen player and members of the organization,” are you kidding me?
This is astonishing.
I’ve been covering the Jets for 17 years, and I’ve never seen a person get so many people to go unnamed with their quotes.
Mehta did it last year to Sanchez with about six or seven people unnamed people quoted.
Now for the Tebow massacre, he doubled down.
Mehta deserves a bigger job. ESPN. CBS, NBC – this man needs to be scooped up by a major network. This is a journalistic tour-de-force.
Woody, what is going on in your complex?
What has happened to the culture of your organization?
How do you allow this stuff to go on?